Rear garden - Wimbledon garden project

Wimbledon garden

Date: Season 2022

Lanscaping and planting in Wimbledon, with steep gradients front and rear, to create an informal and practical family garden with fairly low maintenance.


Project details

Rear garden - Wimbledon garden project
Front bed - Wimbledon Garden landscaping project

Our client’s brief

The plot is on a hillside so the brief was to create a practical family garden and to minimise the inconvenience of the sloping site, working to enhance some strong existing structural plantings.

Our approach

To the rear of the property we laid contemporary paving in limestone tiles, with details in granite setts.

At the raised end of the garden we created a more informal pebbled terrace area, edged in the same granite, for barbecues and dining.

By playing with the levels and the lawn and bed shapes, we made a trefoil-shaped lawn which allowed us to greatly reduce the gradients we inherited.

The planting has matured successfully, helped by the automatic pop-up watering system, and this further helps to ease the level differences.

The front garden had existing steps which were extended in the same broken York stone for a more traditional feel.

The gradients to the front were even steeper than in the rear. In this case, we achieved some simple terracing by creating paths in loose material, to facilitate weeding, and simply planted for colour, texture and fairly low maintenance, with reasonably compact shrubs supported by groups of perennials and grasses.

Extra design features & functional elements

We made a new pebble driveway with gravel stabilising material to prevent the loose material slipping downhill.

At a later stage we returned to replace an ivy-covered fence which had dilapidated.

Hear what our clients have to say...

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Name of client

Book a free consultation today

Get in touch today to organise a free telephone consultation with us. We’d love to hear about the ideas and aspirations that you have for your garden and how these fit in with your lifestyle and future plans.

This is an opportunity for us to understand your vision and for you to see if we are a good fit to work with you on your garden project.