Rear garden - Wimbledon garden project

Hampshire garden

Date: 2017 – present

A 15-year project developing a beautiful seven-acre garden, in the South Downs, to suits the needs of a growing family.


Project details

Hampshire garden project - stream running though garden
Hampshire Garden rill detail
Hampshire garden project with stream running through
View of the kitchen garden - Hampshire
wildflower meadow in Hampshire
trough against a brick wall with water running out of a tap into it
bin enclosure/log store in timber.

Our client’s brief

We have been working on this seven-acre garden, set in a beautiful South Downs location, over a period of 15 years, gradually developing the existing garden to suit the needs of a growing family. This has been a close collaboration with our client throughout the entire process.

Our approach

Initially we excavated extensively around the house to create a substantial wrap around terrace in cathedral quality reclaimed York sandstone, Limestone and brick were used to create walls in the local vernacular. Rose beds and a herb bed were incorporated in the terrace.

An existing kitchen garden was restructured with raised beds and a large bespoke fruit cage, fabricated by a regular collaborator who also made for us various steel arches around the garden.

A dense area of an acre of woodland suffered from extensive ash dieback, allowing the unforeseen possibility of creating a gentle woodland planting.

Elsewhere, existing beds were modified, replanted and extensive new beds created. With a view to the long term, dozens of new native and specimen trees have been planted, together with judiciously placed yew topiary.

We made a large wildflower meadow and planted native hedgerows to encourage pollinators.

Wherever possible we tried to transplant existing plants and also created
paths around an enclosed garden using stone and brick salvaged from the
garden to minimise wastage of resources.

Extra design features & functional elements

The clients wanted to create a stream running through part of the garden. The course of the stream was blended into the landscape, emerging from the boundary wall and winding through beds and under paths.

A water feature was created in a cool corner of the garden, using a stone trough found by the client.

Elsewhere, we built a tree house and a combined bin enclosure/log store in timber.

Hear what our clients have to say...

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Name of client

Book a free consultation today

Get in touch today to organise a free telephone consultation with us. We’d love to hear about the ideas and aspirations that you have for your garden and how these fit in with your lifestyle and future plans.

This is an opportunity for us to understand your vision and for you to see if we are a good fit to work with you on your garden project.